
Learn Calligraphy - Hand Lettering or update your skills

General Workshop Registration Information
The Bow Valley Calligraphy is offering both in-person and ZOOM workshops at this time. Here are some things you will need to know for our online ZOOM workshops.

·         Registration will only take place through Eventbrite.

·         Full payment is required with your registration.

·         Member registrations will begin two weeks before non-member registrations begin.

·         Eventbrite fees will be paid by the attendee.

·         Fees are non-refundable (the workshop will be recorded).

Your personal contact information is used by the Bow Valley Calligraphy Guild for the purposes of workshop correspondence and is not shared by the Guild with any other organization.

Please contact our Workshop Registrar:
for more information on class registration, or phone 403-271-8228 and leave a message.

Visit our Gallery to see artwork by members and students.

Letters as Art with Lorraine Douglas

March 15 and 16, 2025 Class is FULL

This two-day workshop focuses on creating pieces inspired by the imaginative work of artists like Paul Klee and Hans Schmidt. We will work with water-soluble pencils, watercolours, and collages to celebrate letters in beautiful paintings.  

First, we will design a composition of your chosen text—it could be one word, a name, or a short quotation. The letterforms are basically monoline, composed of straight lines and curves. Next, we will demo painting and pencil techniques with ideas on value and colour choices. Then, we will move on to your own unique pieces!

We will learn how to gild with 24-carat gold leaf on Japanese papers to add as a collage and how to do embossing to set off your work. 

You need no experience to enjoy this playful workshop, and you will come away with new ideas for creating small but striking works of art. Fear not, experienced calligraphers; Lorraine has ideas to keep you challenged, too!

Who: Anyone! Beginners to experienced artists

Where: St. Andrews Heights Community Hall 2504 – 13th Avenue NW, Calgary

When: Saturday, March 15 and Sunday, March 16, 2025

Time:   9 AM – 4 PM

The cost is $160.00 for members and $180.00 for non-members. It includes gold leaf, Mylar, Japanese paper, iridescent medium, pipettes, and blotters.

Registration for a maximum of 18 students begins November 15 for members and November 22 for non-members.

See supply list HERE (updated Feb 4, 2025)

You will receive instructions on how to pay by e-transfer. Your place will not be guaranteed until we receive your payment. 

Class is full - To add your name to a WAIT LIST send an email with your name, email address and phone number to

Fees are nonrefundable unless your spot is filled from a wait list or you cancel for a medical reason.

Procreate - The Basics

When: Saturday, May 10, 2025

Time:   9 AM – 4 PM

The cost is $50.00 for members and non members

Registration starts:

members: March 1/2025 and 

non members: March 8, 2025 

To register send an email with your NAME, EMAIL Address and PHONE # to BVCGWORKSHOPS@GMAIL.COM

Supplies: You will need an iPad, Apple Pencil, the Procreate App, an iPad charger and an extension cord or external battery to keep your iPad charged during the day.

Participants must install the latest version of the Procreate App on their iPad before the workshop, but no Procreate or iPad experience is necessary.

Any questions please send an email to

Click HERE for more info

Our eBulletin contains information about many online workshops. To receive the eBulletin, click the link (big blue button) at the bottom of the page.


Curious about calligraphy? Looking for instruction or someone to personalize your special project? There are Bow Valley Calligraphy Guild members, right here in the Calgary area, who are available to do commission work and teach private or small classes in their homes, your home, or perhaps a mutually convenient location like a library or coffee shop. Whether you are a beginner or looking to hone your skills, these fine instructors are ready to connect with you about your lettering pursuits and calligraphic projects. Workshops and private lessons, community centres, the Kerby Centre, libraries and school, and programs in and around the city, oh the possibilities! More online and in-person classes are listed on the “LINKS” part of our website
Find a Calligrapher HERE
Information is also available by calling 
(voice mail) 403-271-8228 
or make enquiries through the BVCG email account



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