
Learn Calligraphy - Hand Lettering or update your skills

General Workshop Registration Information
The Bow Valley Calligraphy is offering both in-person and ZOOM workshops at this time. Here are some things you will need to know for our online ZOOM workshops.

·         Registration will only take place through Eventbrite.

·         Full payment is required with your registration.

·         Member registrations will begin two weeks before non-member registrations begin.

·         Eventbrite fees will be paid by the attendee.

·         Fees are non-refundable (the workshop will be recorded).

Your personal contact information is used by the Bow Valley Calligraphy Guild for the purposes of workshop correspondence and is not shared by the Guild with any other organization.

Please contact our

for more information on class registration, or phone 403-271-8228 and leave a message.

Visit our Gallery to see artwork by members and students.

In light of Covid-19 restrictions being relaxed there are both in person workshops and ZOOM onLine classes scheduled. There is information about many on-line workshops in our eBulletin. To receive the eBulletin click the link (big blue button) at the bottom of the page.. 

Trust the Process 2! 

w/Tara Hayden 

Opening Doors Art 

Certified Holding Space Practitioner 


“The creative spirit will always have its good days and bad ones.  This inconsistency is an essence of the process, which moves according to its inherent chemistry and not my expectations.”  

-Shaun McNiff


A continuation from last year, 'Trust the Process 2' is a once a month cretive opportunity for you and your creative spirit. This year, we will play with a variety of different materials and open ourseves to the possibility of trusting the process while doing so!


This is an opportunity for you to set aside three hours with like minded individuals where brave space is held for you to play, expand and relax.  In our busy worlds, we often neglect this space for ourselves and our need to express ourselves creatively.   


Like last year, this is definitely a process orientated class.  It’s about the act of creation rather than producing a piece of artwork to hang on your wall.  This may include some painting, art journalling, and papercraft with an invitation to add lettering/calligraphy as you feel inspired.   


Saying that, this class is for EVERYONE!  No experience or calligraphic experience is necessary.  All are welcome…this year’s creative experiences are separate and different from last year

Again, this workshop happens once a month for eight months rather than a condensed weekly or weekend experience. This time span is to provide you with the time and space to ‘Trust the Process’!    


Who: Anyone!  Beginners to experienced artists 

Where: St. Andrews Heights Community Hall, 2504 – 13th Avenue NW, Calgary 

When: First Wednesday of every month from October 2024 to May 2025 (eight sessions) 

Dates: October 2; November 6; December 4; January 8 (second Wednesday); February 5; March 5; April 2; May 7. 

Time: 9 AM – 12 PM 

Cost: $240.00 


Supplies: A ‘basic list’ of supplies will be supplied in September.  A complete supply list will also be provided for each month’s offering.   


Maximum 20 students


To register, send an email with your name, email address and phone number to 


You will receive instructions to pay by e-transfer. Your place will not be guaranteed until we receive your payment.

Note: We understand that not everyone will be able to attend all eight sessions. If you are sick, we need you to please stay home. You may be traveling or have something come up at the last minute. Tara will be sharing her detailed teaching notes so you can still work on the projects. We will also be setting up a class Padlet to share our creative explorations with each other

Kerry’s Folded Pen Class

Sept 28 & 29, 2024

Stay tuned for more info coming soon.



Curious about calligraphy? Looking for instruction or someone to personalize your special project? There are Bow Valley Calligraphy Guild members, right here in the Calgary area, who are available to do commission work and teach private or small classes in their homes, your home, or perhaps a mutually convenient location like a library or coffee shop. Whether you are a beginner or looking to hone your skills, these fine instructors are ready to connect with you about your lettering pursuits and calligraphic projects. Workshops and private lessons, community centres, the Kerby Centre, libraries and school, and programs in and around the city, oh the possibilities! More online and in-person classes are listed on the “LINKS” part of our website
Find a Calligrapher HERE
Information is also available by calling 
(voice mail) 403-271-8228 
or make enquiries through the BVCG email account



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