


In-person meetings are held at St. Andrews Hall, 2504-13 Avenue NW. Our online enrichment offerings will continue in January, February, and March of 2025.  The online BVCG Procreate Club meets every month. Please look at the online and in-person gatherings and mark your calendar now with these important opportunities. Do watch for updates on this website and in our bi-weekly eBulletins. Thank you to all members, near and far, for your support!



Tuesday, Feb 4: 6:30 pm - Zoom Exec Meeting 

Wednesday, Feb 5: 9 am - noon Tara Hayden Trust The Process II class

Saturday, Feb 8: 10 am - noon - Lily Yee-Sloan of Toronto, Ontario, will present a program she has titled "An Artist's Journey: The First Forty Years."  Check out her website at This session and the recording are available for Members only.    

Saturday Feb 22:  10 am – approx 3 pm at St. Andrews Hall.  Drop-In Calligraphy Day. Click HERE for more details.


Wednesday Mar 5: 9 am - noon Tara Hayden Trust The Process II class

Saturday, Mar 8: 10 am - noon - Pat Blair of  the Eastern US will teach us how to paint a Spring Iris with a wedge brush.  Check out her website at This session and the recording are available for Members only.

Monday Mar 10: 7 pm Online Galleria - One Word, Five Ways. Choose a word, and letter it in five different ways on one piece of paper. You can use a different tool and lettering style for each version of the word.  To add variety, consider the various elements of design. Consider space, size, texture, line, shape, and colour. Create your entire design on a single sheet of paper, or if you prefer, work on each design of the word separately and then combine them digitally or collage all five onto one piece of paper..

This will be an online Galleria, so members near and far are encouraged to send a digital image to be shown at the March 10 meeting.

Deadlines:  Please send your work by Friday, March 7, 2025, so it can be shared at the March 10 online meeting.  Sunday, March 16, 2025, is the deadline for your artwork to be considered for a future BVCG Journal (even if it was not submitted for the online meeting).

All images should be high resolution (at least 1MB in file size and 200 dpi) and submitted to Annette a

Tuesday, Mar 11:  6:30 p.m. Zoom Exec Meeting

March 15 and 16:  Lorraine Douglas will lead a two-day workshop  focusing on creating pieces inspired by the imaginative work of artists like Paul Klee and Hans Schmidt.  See the Workshop page for more details

Saturday Mar 22:  10 am – approx 3 pm at St. Andrews Hall.  Drop-In Calligraphy Day. Click HERE for more details.  Journal pick up.


Wednesday Apr 2: 9 am - noon Tara Hayden Trust The Process II class

Tuesday Apr 8: 6:30 pm ZOOM Exec Meeting

Wednesday Apr 16: In person Enrichment

Saturday Apr 26:  10 am – approx 3 pm at St. Andrews Hall.  Drop-In Calligraphy Day. Click HERE for more details.


Wednesday May 7: 9am - noon Tara Hayden Trust The Process II class

Saturday May 10: Procreate The Basics (in person class 9am - 4pm) at St. Andrews Hall (check Workshop page for more info)

Monday May 12: 6:30 pm - ZOOM Exec Meeting

Saturday May 24:  10 am – approx 3 pm at St. Andrews Hall.  Drop-In Calligraphy Day. Click HERE for more details.

Wednesday May 28: Annual General Meeting & In-Person Enrichment


Monday June 9: 6:30 pm - ZOOM Exec meeting

Wednesday June 11: In-person Pot Luck & Journal pick up







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